Sales Experience
At the core of every successful business, and built upon a solid foundation of marketing, lies an efficient sales process and finely tuned sales staff. Eric Hiller has spent over 20 years creating, training, and delivering sales presentations for countless products and services.
Industry Experience
Sales experience in multiple industries, including:
Sporting Goods
Charitable and Non-Profit
Gourmet Food and Ingredients
Consumer Goods
Real Estate
Commercial and Residential Lending
Consumer Credit
Sales Channels
Experience in multiple sales channels.
Direct Sales
Direct to consumer sales experience includes:
In-person and door-to-door
Over the phone
Online and virtual
Business to business (B2B)
Business to consumer (B2C)
Eric Hiller has utilized direct sales channels to sale both products and services.
Online sales experience includes:
Organic website search engine optimization (SEO) sales
Pay per Click (PPC)
Pay per Impression (PPM).
Google ads, Facebook ads, Instagram ads
Amazon, eBay, Etsy
Trade Shows
Developed and delivered fast-paced presentations to grab and hold the attention of busy and distracted trade show attendees. Selling at the booth and working the floor to actively locate new sales opportunities. View samples
Fundraising Events
Organized, coordinated, and facilitated large and small events for the purpose of raising money and material donations for non-profit organizations.
Hired, trained, and managed in-house sales agents. Tracked results, set goals, and adjusted expectations based on budgets and market conditions.
Outsourced Sales
Contracted with third party vendors for both temporary and permanent sales teams. Negotiated both hourly and pay-for-performance sales contracts.
Experienced in selling goods and services to distributors, resellers, and retailers.
Original equipment manufacturing (OEM) sales experience includes selling ingredients, components, and white label products to manufactures and resellers.
Import and Export
Initiated and coordinated sales between Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Extensive experience working with manufacturers in Asia.
Retail sales experience includes traditional store fronts as well as kiosks.